Giving Tuesday: Nov. 28, 2023


Thanks to the outpouring of generosity from our members and friends, we exceeded our goal of $20,000 and raised $20,613 on Giving Tuesday!

Giving Tuesday has ended, but the spirit of generosity lives on. The City Choir of Washington is very grateful for your support at any time, and the Giving Tuesday website will remain up through December. 

Your generous donations on Giving Tuesday will help defray production costs for our June 2, 2024 concert, An Homage to Music. This lush and powerful program features odes to music by William Shakespeare, Arthur O’Shaughnessy, the 14th century Persian poet Hafiz, and the author of the folk hymn “How Can I Keep From Singing?” known only as "Pauline T".

Their inspirational words were set to music by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Edward Elgar, Reena Esmail, and Robert A Harris, and the City Choir of Washington is excited to present these works on June 2 and to share our favorite art form—music—which inspires us all year round with beauty, creativity, and generosity of spirit.

The donation levels below illustrate some of the costs involved in mounting a concert. Your Giving Tuesday contributions will help make this concert possible, measure by measure!

Emily Tsai